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Charting My Course With BrainStation

I’m about to graduate at the end of this year. The thought is both daunting and exciting, and it’s made me think even harder recently about where I want to be after graduation. I entered university back in 2014 not really having any idea where I wanted to go with my career; I chose Communication because I loved writing and the program being broad allowed me to keep my options open (the amount of times I’ve heard that phrase…). Shortly into my degree I added a Business minor to the mix, and also decided to do three co-op terms dispersed throughout my degree. I worked first at NUVO Magazine, a Vancouver-based lifestyle publication, then at posAbilities, a non-profit providing programs and services for those with developmental disabilities, and for my third (and current) co-op term, at Pinmo, a tech startup in Vancouver developing an app that turns everyday people into influencers and expands the reach of marketing. All three of these experiences have helped to shape what I thought would be my career, until finally I now have an idea of what I want to go into: digital marketing.

Having found some idea of what I wanted to do, I was ecstatic. Finally I would have an answer to everyone asking what I wanted to do after university! But still, I was concerned. There was a gap in my education and the industry requirements of digital marketing professionals. I felt incompetent and unprepared for such a career, and I knew I needed to step up my game and gain some real, practical skills in the realm of digital marketing. 

Enter BrainStation. 

I heard about BrainStation because some networking events and workshops I was interested in were hosted there, but I never really knew exactly what they did. When I searched for digital marketing courses in Vancouver, I found them. I asked a friend of mine who is a marketing manager what she knew about BrainStation and their courses. She told me she had actually taken a course there and recommended I take one as well. So, I applied for a scholarship and enrolled in their 10-week, Monday-night Digital Marketing class.

The first few weeks of the course were stressful, not because of the course itself but because I was finishing a tough semester at university and was super concerned about passing my finance course (math is not my strong suit), so my regular courses consumed much of my time. Still, I looked forward to my BrainStation course each week. From the very first class I was learning so much, and not just learning theories. I was learning about programs and tools that would help me as a marketer to work effectively. The units included SEO/SEM, email marketing, Google Analytics, and paid social, to name just a few. Each week I found myself leaving class with not only new knowledge, but concepts and programs I could take home to delve into deeper.

The final project in the course, which I admittedly thought would be a pain to complete what with it being a group project, was actually incredibly helpful. Each group selected a brand to provide recommendations for based on what we had learned. Our group provided some pretty solid solutions for Vancouver-based athletic apparel company RYU. The project was not only an opportunity to put our digital marketing skills to use but also to practice public speaking in a non-threatening environment (and let’s be honest, we can all use the practice!).

Overall, BrainStation’s Digital Marketing course was money well spent for me. I feel so much more prepared to enter the world of digital marketing when I graduate this year. Thanks BrainStation for providing such an awesome course and experience for me and my fellow classmates. I will definitely be taking another course here in the future.

© 2024 by Krista Greig

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